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If you want to be happy, lose this

If you want to be happy, lose this
It's natural to feel that we are not going fast enough, doing well enough, or that we are not talented enough when we see people surpass us in any area of life. Comparison, however, is the thief of joy. The good news is that we can overcome comparison and the illusion of competition it creates.

Never Feel Inferior Again

Never Feel Inferior Again
It is natural to feel intimidated sometimes.To feel that we are not good enough, smart enough or interesting enough. Here are some things to remember when feelings of inferiority rear their ugly head in your life.

Stuff We Need To Stop Doing

Stuff We Need To Stop Doing
Oftentimes we read about what we can do to increase our happiness through valuable tips, tricks and techniques. Sometimes equally important is identifying what habits we have that negate all of the positive mindset gearing we do.

5 Reasons to Forgive Your Ex, Your Boss and the B*tch Next Door

5 Reasons to Forgive Your Ex, Your Boss and the B*tch Next Door
Everyone in this world has been a victim of some wrongdoing along the way. Sadly it is an unavoidable part of life.There are many reasons to forgive and let sh*t go.Here are five.

Simple Secrets Happy People Know

Simple Secrets Happy People Know
Take a moment to think of the happy people you know. Those whose days seem a little brighter, their step a little lighter, their stories and interactions a little more, bright. You can be one of them. Here are 10 things that happy people do differently that you can begin to do immediately.
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