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The 5 Biggest Regrets People Have Before They Die

The 5 Biggest Regrets People Have Before They Die
The majority of the time, many of us live as if there will be no end to our days. We stay in unfulfilling careers. We remain in unhappy relationships. We fail to tell people how much they matter to us. Of all the regrets peole have before they die, these are the top five.

The 5 Best Things About Being in Your 30s

The 5 Best Things About Being in Your 30s
Turning 30 can be scary for some people. It's the period when we abandon the "novice adulthood" of our 20s. But your 30s aren't all that bad. In fact, here are five reasons why it's a decade to get excited about and embrace when it arrives.

Smart Ways To Cut Food Waste

Smart Ways To Cut Food Waste
We have a food-waste problem, and it's hurting our wallets, our environment and the people most in need. Here are 14 simple and effective waste to cut food waste and save money.

Nature Is the Best Medicine

Nature Is the Best Medicine
Feeling down in the dumps? Bored out of your mind? We've all been there. Turns out the best cure is simply cueing up this commercial for Nature Rx, a fantastic spoof of most drug ads on TV. Watch it and instantly feel better.

JOMO: 8 Ways to Embrace the Joy of Missing Out

JOMO: 8 Ways to Embrace the Joy of Missing Out
I'll let you in on a little secret: Alone time even when it involves missing out on social events or activities can be good for us all. Here's why.
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