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Jeremy Chin
The author of Fuel, a touching story of a runner whose life dream is to win the New York Marathon. FUEL has received astounding reviews, from Finland to India to Africa. It has been read by coaches, ultrarunners and Olympians, and has been cited as one of the most moving running stories ever penned.

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{ Articles By Jeremy Chin }

16 Secrets To A Happy Life

16 Secrets To A Happy Life
One of the biggest mistakes we make is to wait for happiness to happen to us when it is something that we can create for ourselves. If you are unhappy with your life the way it is, commit yourself to changing it.

How To Run Downhill

How To Run Downhill
Although running uphill may leave you breathless, going downhill is physically more damaging to your body if you don't apply proper technique and strong form.

Breathing Tips For Running That Could Change Your Life

Breathing Tips For Running That Could Change Your Life
As runners we tend to focus on building our legs, strengthening our core, eating right and perfecting our running form. What we have most likely overlooked is the element most essential for any activity, our breathing.

Intelligent Ways To Lose Fat

Intelligent Ways To Lose Fat
The goal of losing weight should not only be to look good, but to feel good. With the time pressures of the working world, we've come up with a list of ways you can get a better physique and feel great each day.

Are You Running Too Much?

Are You Running Too Much?
Many runners will claim that there is no such thing as running too much. Unfortunately, there is, and the impact can be adverse.

10 Foods That Fight Fatigue

10 Foods That Fight Fatigue
Your body runs off what you feed it, so the best way to get the most out of your food is to make sure you're giving yourself the best you can get. We've come up with a list of naturally energizing eats that give you a gradual boost of long-lasting energy.

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