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7 Easy Moves for Strong 'n Sexy Shoulders

7 Easy Moves for Strong 'n Sexy Shoulders
Though you may not think of them often, your shoulders can actually improve your posture and make your waist look slimmer. That is, if you train them properly. Read on to discover the seven workouts for great shoulders.

8 Unconventional Protein Sources And Tips To Add More Protein To Your Diet

8 Unconventional Protein Sources And Tips To Add More Protein To Your Diet
When you think of protein sources, chicken, eggs, meat and protein shakes may come to mind. But there are other ways to incorporate protein in your diet too. Read on to learn about some other foods that can help you meet your protein needs.

Why Coffee Makes You Poop

Why Coffee Makes You Poop
For many, coffee also increases the need to poop. Our friends at the American Chemical Society break down all of the complex science in this video and explain exactly how coffee affects our digestive tract.

8 Foods That Boost Your Immune System

8 Foods That Boost Your Immune System
While there's no one food that can ward off the flu virus or common cold, our advice is to aim to eat a healthy, well-balanced diet that incorporates some of the 8 immunity boosting foods in this article.

Why More Athletes Are Turning to Weed

Why More Athletes Are Turning to Weed
Combining cannabis and sport has become an underground trend with sports athletes such as mountain bikers, skiers, runners and snowboarders. They do it to prevent soreness, relax and sleep better. But is it safe and how do the pros stack up against the cons? This article delves into that?
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