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The No. 1 Lie That's Stopping You From Going for It

The No. 1 Lie That's Stopping You From Going for It
There's a secret to getting things done, a way to overcome any feelings of inaction or powerlessness. We have to believe we have power over our outcomes to motivate ourselves. Here's what can you do today to get more motivated, even when you're uncertain or fearful about taking action.

Weird But Healthy Food

Weird But Healthy Food
Some of the world's healthiest foods look a bit, well, unappetizing and even a little scary. But what these foods lack in aesthetics they more than make up for in nutrients. We now bring you a list of 10 bizarre fruits and vegetables that do wonders for your body.

When's the Best Time to Work Out?

When's the Best Time to Work Out?
Finding the perfect time to exercise is as much about personal preference as it is physiology. This article goes into finding out what time of day is best for you for a work out.

The Major Setbacks I Thought I'd Never Recover From (and How I Did)

The Major Setbacks I Thought I'd Never Recover From (and How I Did)
When things hurt us, we often think we'll never recover. Sometimes it feels like we've been pushed off a cliff. But keep in mind that you can cope and eventually come out stronger on the other side. Here's proof.

Tips On Buying Meat At A Farmers Market

Tips On Buying Meat At A Farmers Market
Farmers markets can be intimidating for the uninitiated, especially where the buying of meat is concerned. This is because different meat cuts are not as distinguishable as say, fruit. Here are some nifty tips on buying meat at a farmers' market.
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