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How to Deal and Heal When a Friend Breaks Up With You

How to Deal and Heal When a Friend Breaks Up With You
You and your pal may have been BFFs, but in truth most friendships change. It's clear the friendship has expired and your former pal is not interested in reviving it. No matter how innocuous the reasons are, losing them is still incredibly painful. Here are some strategies to help you deal with it.

The 12 Best And Worst Sugar Substitutes

The 12 Best And Worst Sugar Substitutes
Sugar substitutes, a controversial topic, fall into one of two categories: natural sweeteners (which include sugar alcohols like erythritol) and nonnutritive sweeteners like sucralose (aka Splenda). We took a deep look into the 12 sugar substitutes that are most likely to show up in your pantry and loosely ordered them from best to worst.

How To Take Control Of Your Food Cravings

How To Take Control Of Your Food Cravings
Food cravings are more than subtle desire. Unlike general hunger, cravings tend to be pronounced and specific. Rather than beat yourself up or stress over food cravings, which only makes matters worse, see them as tools for positive change.

How To Come Up With A Kick-Ass Personal Mantra

How To Come Up With A Kick-Ass Personal Mantra
Here are five steps to come up with a kick-ass mantra you can use to help you feel strong, capable, and at peace when you need it the most. Think of it as your one-word pep talk, available at anytime or place.

The 10 Best Foods To Beat Your Sugar Cravings

The 10 Best Foods To Beat Your Sugar Cravings
Even if you cut out sweets, the sheer pervasiveness of added sugar to processed foods -- from bread to salad dressing -- makes it hard to give it up without a fight. Read on for 10 foods that can help you kick your sugar habit.
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