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Fun Facts About Teff

Fun Facts About Teff
Teff, because of its amazing nutritional profile, has taken the health world by storm. But there's a lot more to this supergrain that will intrigue you. Here are some fun facts we thought you'd find interesting.

Top 5 Fitness Tips For A Healthy Life

Top 5 Fitness Tips For A Healthy Life
Leading a healthy lifestyle will improve your overall health, and increase both your energy and level of fitness. Here are 5 tips on how to lead a healthy lifestyle.

Trouble Making Decisions? Read This.

Trouble Making Decisions? Read This.
Decisions can be overwhelming.Sometimes just the sheer magnitude of the decision puts you off from doing anything at all. This can go on and on for some time. And it's paralyzing. Here are five tips to make the decision that is right for you.

Make Your Own No Bake Almond Fudge Protein Bars

Make Your Own No Bake Almond Fudge Protein Bars
Super easy to make, and super difficult to resist! These bars are perfect for those with peanut allergies, or those who are allergic to spending hours in the kitchen. It will only take you 10 minutes to mix up the oats, almond butter, honey and rice cereal. Here's the recipe and instructions to make it.

Does listening to music while running improve or reduce performance?

Does listening to music while running improve or reduce performance?
One of the age old debates amongst runners is whether music improves or lowers performance. Read what runners and running experts have to say on this matter.
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