Runner Things #1044
Posted on 27 Oct, 2012

Here's to us. Here's to ordering salad when you really want a burger. TO making an ass out of ourselves in combat cardio class. To drinking more water than seems possible. To going five minutes more on the elliptical. To working out twice as much as your skinny roommate. To saying, "Screw you" to the old you. To falling in love with the you that you really are, the you you want to become. To looking in the mirror and not seeing any change, throwing on your running shoes and hitting the gym anyway. Here's to carrots, and shin splints, and sweat shirts, and perseverance, and sore muscles, and stinky socks, and 7 am conditioning class, and falling down, and getting back up. And here's to getting up tomorrow and doing it all again.
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