If the human brain were a computer, it could perform 38 thousand-trillion operations per second. The world's most powerful supercomputer, BlueGene, can manage only .002% of that.
If the human brain were a computer, it could perform 38 thousand-trillion operations per second. The world's most powerful supercomputer, BlueGene, can manage only .002% of that.
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Wow! This book lulled me into a false sense of security, and then came at me with such tour de force with its juggernaut ending. Fuel is crafted beautifully, and I found myself going back to re-read many of this author's words because of they way they were ingeniusly assembled. I'm huge into running, it's a very essential part of my life. This is one of the best, if not the best running book I've ever read. I highly recommend it to you running folk who love a good underdog story.
- Ally Summers -.
(Runner from California)
(Runner from California)