Running Quotes
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Pre: The Story of America's Greatest Running Legend, Steve Prefontaine
Your goals and reasons for running and racing should be personalized... [It] could be because you are hoping to lose weight. Perhaps you like running because of the good feeling it gives you when you complete a run. Maybe the reason you lace up your running shoes is because it is a far better addiction than one you previously had. The main thing is that you have your own reasons. Do not run for anyone else...
When you run for reasons all your own, you have a stake in your running. You do not need to prove anyone wrong, you do not need to justify your passions, and your grip on your happiness becomes that much stronger.
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Pre: The Story of America's Greatest Running Legend, Steve Prefontaine
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Books To Fuel Your Run

An Accidental Athlete
A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to Middle Ageby John Bingham

Marathoning for Mortals
A Regular Person's Guide to the Joy of Running or Walking a Half-Marathon or Marathonby John Bingham

This Running Life
by George Sheehan
Running the Edge
Discover the Secrets to Better Running and a Better Lifeby Adam Goucher