Running Quotes
- Unknown -
138,336 Feet to Pure Bliss
The Workout Room
When life hurls lemons at you, I believe there are two ways to return the serve: Lay down and let the sourness blind you or strap on your running shoes and boot those lemons back. Running was my way of escaping the mental mess as my outside world was crashing down. Those mornings spent pounding the pavement helped to clear the negative clutter in my head. The more I ran, the better I felt. The better I felt, the healthier I ate. And soon I started seeing the world in a brand new (leaner) light.
- Unknown -
138,336 Feet to Pure Bliss
The Workout Room
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Running Through the Wall
Personal Encounters With the Ultramarathonby Neal Jamison

The Runner's World Cookbook
150 Ultimate Recipes for Fueling Up and Slimming Down.by Joanna Sayago Golub

The Ultimate Treadmill Workout
Run Right, Hurt Less, and Burn More with Treadmill Interval Trainingby David Siik

The Little Red Book of Running
by Scott Douglas