I think most people will agree that 'fall' is all but officially here now, which means, THIS IS THE TIME TO START RUNNING! Remember all summer how you said that you hated running because it was too hot or humid? Remember how often you would tell yourself that you would run more once it cooled down? Well, I'm sorry to break this to you, but that time is NOW. And for those of you who already run but don't do it as much because of the heat, now is the season to really kick into high gear and start doing those long or intense runs. I know for many of you that fall means you are back to school or work and so you are very busy this time of year. But there is always time if you want there to be. Maybe not every day, but most days you can find 30 minutes to devote to your health. Running will clear your head and make you more capable of tackling the stresses of your busy schedule... and the miraculous thing about running is that is actually gives you MORE energy!
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