Running Quotes
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Runners on Running
Running to me is therapy. It's hard work no matter what. I'm obsessed with riding my bike, but running in comparison is challenging because it's all in your head. Running is 100 percent you, and it's a discipline whether you like it or not. You're the only one in control of your attitude, pace - everything. It covers all the basic elements of therapy - environmentally, psychologically and spiritually.
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Runners on Running
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Running the Edge
Discover the Secrets to Better Running and a Better Lifeby Adam Goucher

Anatomy for Runners
Unlocking Your Athletic Potential for Health, Speed, and Injury Preventionby Jay Dicharry

Running for Mortals
A Commonsense Plan for Changing Your Life With Runningby John Bingham

26.2 Miles to Boston
A Journey into the Heart of the Boston Marathonby Michael Connelly