You may start the day feeling rotten. But that doesn't mean you have to end the day that way. You can put out the effort and feel better because of it. Forget inspiration. All you need is effort. Your effort will create good works. Your good works will make you feel better. Feeling better will help you create more good works, and so it goes.
Feelings change. Meanwhile, let your effort be constant and unflagging. It's impossible to summon up inspiration every day. But you can almost always summon up the effort, and the effort will in itself motivate you. Effort is a product of will. Some days you are just going to have to slog away. If you make the effort, inspiration will follow, and if it doesn't, well, at least you will have done the work, made the effort - and you can be proud of that.
Work breeds inspiration. The more you work, the more effort you put forth, the more inspired you will be.
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The Spiritual Doorway in the Brain