Running Quotes
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The 30-Day Plan to Whip Your Career Into Submission
Never give up. Stop staring at your faraway goal. Refocus on the stops in front of you. Every day, take a step closer to your dream. Try to enjoy the adventure of your journey. Soon, what had felt impossible will feel possible. Soon, what had seemed so far will be within reach.
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The 30-Day Plan to Whip Your Career Into Submission
Books by Karen Salmansohn

The Bounce Back Book
How to Thrive in the Face of Adversity, Setbacks, and Losses
The 7 Lively Sins
How to Enjoy Your Life, Dammit
Enough, Dammit
A Cynic's Guide to Finally Getting What You Want out of Life
The 30-Day Plan to Whip Your Career Into Submission
Transform Yourself from Job Slave to Master of Your Destiny in Just One Month