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25 Funniest Running Signs at a Race

Posted on 05 Sep, 2018


Many of us have suffered stitches in a race, not from running but from a funny sign held by a bystander. This here is a collection of the most hilarious running messages spotted at a race.


25 Funniest Running Signs At A Race

Funniest Running Signs #i: You're almost there!! That's what she said.
You're almost there!! That's what she said.

Funniest Running Signs #i: Run like you stole something.
Run like you stole something.

Funniest Running Signs #i: Blisters are braille for AWESOME.
Blisters are braille for AWESOME.

Funniest Running Signs #i: Your highschool gym teacher would be so proud.
Your highschool gym teacher would be so proud.

Funniest Running Signs #i: Keep going! Keep going! That's what she said.
Keep going! Keep going! That's what she said.

Funniest Running Signs #i: Runners don't die. They only smell like it.
Runners don't die. They only smell like it.

Funniest Running Signs #i: Consider this for when the zombies chase you.
Consider this for when the zombies chase you.

Funniest Running Signs #i: When the going gets tough, you're probably only on Mile 5.
When the going gets tough, you're probably only on Mile 5.

Funniest Running Signs #i: Mortuary Ahead. Don't even think about stopping.
Mortuary Ahead. Don't even think about stopping.

Funniest Running Signs #i: Chuck Norris never ran a marathon.
Chuck Norris never ran a marathon.

Funniest Running Signs #i: Cojones of tenacity.
Cojones of tenacity.

Funniest Running Signs #i: SMILE. Remember you paid to do this.
SMILE. Remember you paid to do this.

Funniest Running Signs #i: Run like her husband is coming.
Run like her husband is coming.

Funniest Running Signs #i: Most people don't drive 26 miles on a Sunday.
Most people don't drive 26 miles on a Sunday.

Funniest Running Signs #i: They're almost running out of beer at the finish. Better get a move on!
They're almost running out of beer at the finish. Better get a move on!

Funniest Running Signs #i: If you can read this sign you're not running fast enough.
If you can read this sign you're not running fast enough.

Funniest Running Signs #i: If a marathon was easy it'd be called your mother.
If a marathon was easy it'd be called your mother.

Funniest Running Signs #i: Oh, hell!! You've come this far. You may as well finish!
Oh, hell!! You've come this far. You may as well finish!

Funniest Running Signs #i: It's long and hard. That's what she said.
It's long and hard. That's what she said.

Funniest Running Signs #i: This pain isn't as bad as a kidney stone.
This pain isn't as bad as a kidney stone.

Funniest Running Signs #i: STOPPING. Ain't nobody got time for that!!
STOPPING. Ain't nobody got time for that!!

Funniest Running Signs #i: The faster you run the sooner we'll be drunk.
The faster you run the sooner we'll be drunk.

Funniest Running Signs #i: Humpty Dumpty had wall issues too.
Humpty Dumpty had wall issues too.

Funniest Running Signs #i: I'm sure it seemed like a good idea 4 months ago.
I'm sure it seemed like a good idea 4 months ago.

Funniest Running Signs #i: RUNNING. It's not just from the cops anymore.
RUNNING. It's not just from the cops anymore.

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