Running Quotes
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Build Your Running Body
No matter how hard it was, or how much I didn't want to run that day, I always felt better afterward. Some days, that's all that got me out the door. The best part was at the end of every day, when I had a sharp sense of having accomplished something measurable and definable. I won a little victory every day that nobody could take away from me. I don't have that sense when I don't run.
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Build Your Running Body
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Books To Fuel Your Run

The Running Trivia Book
1001 Questions from the Sprints to the Marathonby Mark Will Weber

The Little Red Book of Running
by Scott Douglas
Jesse Owens
Fastest Man Aliveby Jesse Owens

The Competitive Runner's Handbook
The Bestselling Guide to Running 5Ks through Marathonsby Bob Glover