A Collection of the Best Ryan Gosling Running Memes

Posted on 10 Sep, 2018
Not sure how Ryan Gosling got pulled into this, but the internet is full of funny Hey Girl running memes featuring him in it. This is our collection of what we found to be the best.
#1 Hey girl, I painted my toenails black to support your marathon training.

#2 Hey girl, tonight let's stay in and make new routes on mapmyrun.

#3 Hey girl, no, you go run! I'll have the whole place clean by the time you get back.

#4 Hey girl, don't worry. I plugged in your Garmin.

#5 Hey girl, you have a little energy gel on your lip. Let me help you with that.

#6 Hey girl, sorry I'm tired. I was up late writing love notes on the back of your race bib.

#7 Hey girl, I made a spreadsheet for your training schedule. Do you think it would look better laminated or framed?

#8 Hey girl, I want to whistle, but I'd never marginalize you like that.

#9 Hey girl, I love the way the musty smell of your wet off road shoes greets me on the porch. It lets me know you got home from your run safely.

#10 Hey girl, pack as many sports bras and tempo shorts as you need. I'll carry your suitcase.

#11 Hey girl, do you need help with that bodyglide?

#12 Hey girl, let me massage your feet while I listen to your mile splits.

#13 Hey girl, I can't stop thinking about where your tan lines end.

#14 Hey girl, how 'bout we use that Garmin to time how long it takes us to get you out of those sweaty clothes?

#15 Hey girl, I set my alarm to 5 AM to make you toast and coffee before your run.

#16 Hey girl, watching you convert miles to kilometres is so sexy.

#17 Hey girl, your copy of Runner's World just came. I'll draw you a bubble bath so you can really enjoy it.
#18 Hey Girl, I wish we had more room to display you race bibs.

#19 Hey girl, let's spend a romantic Friday night popping your blisters.

#20 Hey girl, let's hold hands so we don't get separated at the expo.
#21 Hey girl, I smell no sweat, only pheremones.
#22 Hey girl, 58 dollars for a sports bra seems like a bargain to me.

#23 Hey girl, I'm sorry about your plantar fasciitis. Can I rub your feet with a frozen golf ball while we watch Spirit of the Marathon again?

#24 Hey girl, I can totally feel those hill repeats.
#25 Hey girl, I just 'liked your run on Facebook.

#26 Hey girl, of course I'll stay up until midnight with you so you can register for your favorite race.

#27 Hey girl, I'm taking the rest of the day off to watch the kids while you run. It's no hassle. I insist.
#28 Hey girl, let's go taste test the new GU flavors.

#29 Hey girl, can I hold your upper body to keep you warm in that ice bath?

#30 Hey girl, I rearranged your playlist to match your cadence.
#31 Hey girl, I'm worried you have more than 300 miles on that pair of shoes.

#32 Hey girl, that fuel belt makes your butt look fantastic.

#33 Hey girl, let's spread out all of your running magazines and catalogs on the bed and spend all night circling everything you want.

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