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Smart Ways To Deal With Toxic People

Smart Ways To Deal With Toxic People
Toxic people defy logic. Some are blissfully unaware of the negative impact that they have on those around them, and others seem to derive satisfaction from creating chaos and pushing other people's buttons. To help safe guard you against such characters, we've put together a list of coping strategies.

Scientifically Backed Tips For Better Sleep

Scientifically Backed Tips For Better Sleep
The productivity of your day hinges greatly on how well you sleep. The following tips will help you optimize your sleep so you can be productive, mentally sharp and full of energy all day long.

Great Ways To Pay It Forward

Great Ways To Pay It Forward
The simplest of actions can make a huge difference in someone else's life and can set off a good-deed chain. Start today with one of these simple things on our list.

A Year Without Television

A Year Without Television
Children these days spend too much time on iPads, on the TV and playing video games. And it's becoming a real problem. But if they weren't on these devices, how would you fill their time in ways that are both interesting and beneficial to them? Tim and Kerry Meek came up with this really neat idea for their 8 and 10 year old daughters.

Your Soulmate Is Not Who You Think It Is

Your Soulmate Is Not Who You Think It Is
Every once in a while, we meet that perfect person. They're everything we imagined. And so we engage. And chase. And pursue. And fight for a chance at that perfect union we've imagined in our heads for so long. But then at some point, it runs afoul. What once seemed effortless becomes arduous. The perfect conversations suddenly don't flow as easily. And the shine wears off.
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