Quotes by Lauren Fessenden
- Lauren Fessenden -
This is not about instant gratification. You have to work hard for it, sweat for it, give up sleeping in on Sunday mornings.
- Lauren Fessenden -
Human strength is limited to protect our tendons and muscles from harming themselves. This limitation can be removed during an adrenaline rush, during which some people have lifted boulders or even cars off themselves.
Human strength is limited to protect our tendons and muscles from harming themselves. This limitation can be removed during an adrenaline rush, during which some people have lifted boulders or even cars off themselves.
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Wow! This book lulled me into a false sense of security, and then came at me with such tour de force with its juggernaut ending. Fuel is crafted beautifully, and I found myself going back to re-read many of this author's words because of they way they were ingeniusly assembled. I'm huge into running, it's a very essential part of my life. This is one of the best, if not the best running book I've ever read. I highly recommend it to you running folk who love a good underdog story.
- Ally Summers -.
(Runner from California)
(Runner from California)