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Superfoods for Runners

Superfoods for Runners
When you engage in endurance activities such as long distance running, your body takes quite a beating. To recover quicker and perform better on your next run we'd like to turn our attention to the nutritional prowess of that category of food we know as superfoods.

How To Taper For A Marathon

How To Taper For A Marathon
The marathon taper is a delicate balance of maintaining fitness while promoting recovery. This article provides a step-by-step guide to make sure you get the marathon taper right.

7 Ways Laughter Can Benefit Your Workout

7 Ways Laughter Can Benefit Your Workout
When you laugh, all your body systems are affected in a positive manner, in a way that contributes to your fitness workout. So get ready to get your giggle on.

Running Signs Displayed By Kids At A Marathon

Running Signs Displayed By Kids At A Marathon
One of the highlights of a big race is when you run into spectators with funny and inspiring placards. Here is a collection of inspiring, creative and funny signs made by children to lend support to a parent, grandparent or an aunt as they pass by.

Great Ways To Pay It Forward

Great Ways To Pay It Forward
The simplest of actions can make a huge difference in someone else's life and can set off a good-deed chain. Start today with one of these simple things on our list.
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