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Natural Home Remedies For Eczema

Natural Home Remedies For Eczema
Though not life threatening, the extremely unpleasant nature of eczema can ruin the life of those who suffer from it. Modern medical practitioners lean towards steroidal creams for eczema sufferers, which when used for the long term, can have negative effects. Eczema is a condition for which there is no cure, and it can recur throughout one's life. As such, a more natural remedy is required.

Tips For Staying Healthy While Travelling

Tips For Staying Healthy While Travelling
Travelling can take a lot out of you. With long hours on a plane, travel delays, unfamiliar surroundings and no access to your local grocery store, your health can take a real beating. To make sure you're prepared for your next trip, follow these basic guidelines.

A List Of Foods You Should Not Freeze

A List Of Foods You Should Not Freeze
You can freeze just about anything. But some foods become virtually unrecognizable once they're thawed after being frozen. To help you decide what to freeze, and what not to, here's a list of foods that don't freeze well.

A Case For Minimalist Footwear

A Case For Minimalist Footwear
Humans have been running since the beginning of time, long before the invention of the modern running shoe. But behold the long line at the podiatrist's office, and you start to wonder if early runners were plagued with injury the way we are. Modern researchers say no. Does this mean minimalism is the way to go?

Scientifically Backed Tips For Better Sleep

Scientifically Backed Tips For Better Sleep
The productivity of your day hinges greatly on how well you sleep. The following tips will help you optimize your sleep so you can be productive, mentally sharp and full of energy all day long.
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