Running Quotes
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An Accidental Athlete
(On running after her diagnosis with skin cancer.)
I had to do something to shake up my life and get some sense of control and trust in the world and along the way fill the hollow space. I needed to rebel against those negative forces, to scream so loud and for so long that the anger living inside me would evacuate forever. But instead of screaming, I ran.
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An Accidental Athlete
(On running after her diagnosis with skin cancer.)
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The Quotable Runner
Great Moments of Wisdom, Inspiration, Wrongheadedness, and Humorby Mark Will-Weber

HOHAs in Love
The Lessons of Running Reveal the Secrets of Loveby Laurence Graham

Daily Devotionals for a Christian Athlete
50 Inspiring Bible Versesby Ryan Hall

The Terrible and Wonderful Reasons Why I Run Long Distances
The Oatmealby Matthew Inman