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The Best Way To Exercise In The Heat

The Best Way To Exercise In The Heat
Exercising when it is hot out is not merely uncomfortable, it can be downright dangerous. But this doesn't mean you have to confine your workouts indoors. Just follow these simple measures.

Shin Splint Prevention

Shin Splint Prevention
Shin splints are the bane of many runners. Thankfully, they are both curable and preventable. Learn how to keep it at bay.

Do Beer And Running Mix?

Do Beer And Running Mix?
Some runners like to have a beer the night before a run to calm the nerves. And many others like to have one after, to celebrate a job well done. There are two camps on this; the one that says alcohol is bad for your running, and the other that says one or two are fine. To put this argument to bed once and for all, we've made an exploration into alcohol's effects on running performance and recovery.

The Over-Energetic Gym Nut

The Over-Energetic Gym Nut
They tail you throughout your workout, tacking on extra plates each time they get onto the weight machine you just used. Get on the treadmill and they'll soon be pounding away right next to you, like they are chasing down gazelle on foot. The over-energetic gym nut. We know the type. Here's a funny video related to that.

Which Movies Are These Running Scenes From?

Which Movies Are These Running Scenes From?
Are you as passionate about your running as you are about your movies? This is a video compilation of famous running scenes from movies. How many can you name?
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