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How to Actually Achieve Your Goals Before the Year Ends

How to Actually Achieve Your Goals Before the Year Ends
How are you feeling about the year so far? Many people answer this question in a dissatisfied way. They wanted to be earning more or weighing less by now. But here's the good news: You don't need a new calendar year or a list of resolutions to get your sh*t together.

How To Stretch Your Carbohydrate Intake

How To Stretch Your Carbohydrate Intake
Carbohydrates are an important part of good nutrition, but it's important not to eat too much at one time. To get the most mileage out of the carbs you can have, learn these simple techniques on how to stretch your carbohydrate intake.

How to Breathe For Every Type Of Exercise

How to Breathe For Every Type Of Exercise
When it comes to exercise, the art of inhaling and exhaling may be a little more complicated than we think. Whether the goal is running, lifting, or warrior posing with ease, read on to discover the best breathing techniques to put optimal performance well within reach.

How Successful People Think (Hint: It's Not All About Being Positive)

How Successful People Think (Hint: It's Not All About Being Positive)
Successful people do things differently fromt he rest of us. The good news is, their skills can be learned, and if you change your thinking, you can change your life. Here's how to get started.

How To Pick The Best Milk For Yourself

How To Pick The Best Milk For Yourself
Perusing the dairy aisle at the local supermarket shows just how many choices we have when it comes to old-fashioned cow's milk. Each comes with their own benefits, so to make it easy for you to choose, we've broken it down for you.
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