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40 Quick Tips for Career Happiness and Success

40 Quick Tips for Career Happiness and Success
There is no magic formula for attaining instant career happiness and success.There are, however, plenty of steps you can take to make your venture a bit more proactive. Here are 40 quick tips that should help push you in the right direction.

The Runner's Guide to Prevent and Treat Blisters

The Runner's Guide to Prevent and Treat Blisters
Blisters can pack a pretty mean punch when it comes to running and other athletic activities.Read on to find out how to prevent and treat them.

The Minimum Amount You Can Strength Train And Still See Results

The Minimum Amount You Can Strength Train And Still See Results
Is it even worth it to strength train only one or two times a week? And if not, why bother. This article takes a look into this, and whether some training is better than no training.

Nutrition Facts That Nutritionists Agree On

Nutrition Facts That Nutritionists Agree On
While it seems like everybody has a different opinion about how to eat right, there are a few basic food facts that are too true for anyone to deny.

Is Distance Running Good For You?

Is Distance Running Good For You?
Running is among the most common forms of exercise, and while it's clear running in general has many health benefits, is pushing to extremes more detrimental than beneficial to our muscles and joints?
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